Thursday, July 9, 2009


This week we have been returning to "normal" life after vacation. We had a great time! Yes, we need a vacation from our vacation. Sunday we rested and slept most of the day. Seth and I had withdrawals from Lost, so we had to finish the rest of Season One this week :) I plan to post a few pictures with a story every few days to share memories and re-live the great trip!

Seth, the boys, and I drove to northern Indiana on a Friday afternoon to Seth's parent's house. We picked up the rental van (loved it) and his parents and hit the road. We drove from Indiana to Massachusetts through the night. After watching Robin Hood (thank you, Webbs for letting us borrow your portable DVD player!), the boys slept great in the car. Saturday mid-day, we arrived at my sister Aimee's house in Massachusetts. It was great to see Aimee, Brian, Madelyn and Katja, their house, and town.

After staying there one night, we drove to Seth's grandparent's house in Maine. They have a cottage on an island. What a great setting for a family (most of the family) reunion! We were missing Seth's three siblings, one uncle, and one cousin. There were around 40 people in this house for the week, plus Aimee & Brian and girls in their sailboat. They sailed from Mass. to Maine to vacation with us. It was wonderful spending time with family...More stories to come.

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