Friday, April 17, 2009

Spring Cleaning Party


I am not a pack-rat, hoarder, or saver. Thankfully, my husband and I are like-minded in that sense. I keep sentimental items for scrapbooks and take lots of photos. Most things in our house are seen as just things. (We are trying to teach our four year old that "people are more important than things"). Things and stuff serve a purpose and in some cases make life easier, more meaningful, or are educational. But when they are not needed anymore, I try to make room for other things...or for more room to breathe. The problem is I have less and less time to declutter and get rid of items.

I have been a fan of the Fly Lady for over a year and she has helped me clean my house on a rotational basis, using zones. So when I hear about "Spring Cleaning" I don't think that applies to me. I clean at least 15 minutes a day, concentrating on one zone per week, so I don't need to deep clean. But then I remembered I don't always clean the windows, under the couch, you get the idea. So I'm joining the Spring Cleaning Party at I like being kept on track and not trying to do it all in one day. We'll see how it goes!

1 comment:

Tim, Kristen , Megan, Emily, and Anna said...

I just got caught up on your blog. I love the pictures of your boys at the top of your blog. I am thinking I need to do some spring cleaning as well...I was thinking of trying to tackle a room or something at a time...this is a good encouragement to get to work!